Headshot for Associate Michaela Aden
  1. Michaela Aden, ABR,MRP,PSA,REALTOR ®,e-PRO
  2. Premier Realty Group
  3. Mobile: 210.859.3251
  4. Mobile: 210.859.3251
  5. Mobile: 210.859.3251
  6. michaela3251@gmail.com
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Property Photos
210 Concord Pl210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 0 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 1 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 2 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 3 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 4 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 5 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 6 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 7 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 8 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 9 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 10 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 11 for 210 Concord Pl Listing photo id 12 for 210 Concord Pl
  • MLS#: 1797828 ( Land )
  • Street Address: 210 Concord Pl
  • Viewed: 19
  • Price: $73,500
  • Price sqft: $0
  • Waterfront: No
  • Year Built: Not Available
  • Bldg sqft: 0
  • Days On Market: 142
Possible Terms
  1. Conventional
  2. Cash
  3. Investors OK
  1. Exclusive Right To Sell
Days On Market
  1. 130
Depth Feet
  1. 156
  1. Undeveloped
  2. Other
  1. 130
Elementary School
  1. Baskin
Front Footage
  1. 49
  1. City Street
High School
  1. Jefferson
Home Owners Association Mandatory
  1. None
  1. City Street
  2. Interstate Hwy - 1 Mile or less
  1. From Glenarm PL
  2. go straight and turn Left to Gentlemen Rd
  3. then Right onto Concord PL.
Legal Desc Lot
  1. 19
Legal Description
  1. CB 5771 BLK 8 LOT 19
  2. AND 20
  1. Level
  2. Other
Middle School
  1. Longfellow
  1. Not Applicable
Other Tax
  1. 248.01
Owner Lrealreb
  1. No
Ph To Show
  1. 2102222227
Property Type
  1. Land
  1. Building
  2. No Mobile Homes
  3. No Horses
  4. No Farm Animals
  5. Cannot be Subdivided
  6. Other
School District
  1. San Antonio I.S.D.
School Tax
  1. 641.35
Septic System
  1. Not Applicable
Site Area Features
  1. None
Source Sqft
  1. Appsl Dist
  1. Level
  2. Other
Total Tax
  1. 1356.81
  1. None
Utilities Available
  1. Water System
  2. Electric
  3. Other
Utilities On Site
  1. Other
  2. None
  1. 19
  1. OCL