Headshot for Associate Michaela Aden
  1. Michaela Aden, ABR,MRP,PSA,REALTOR ®,e-PRO
  2. Premier Realty Group
  3. Mobile: 210.859.3251
  4. Mobile: 210.859.3251
  5. Mobile: 210.859.3251
  6. michaela3251@gmail.com
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Property Photos
347 Ware Blvd347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 0 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 1 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 2 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 3 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 4 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 5 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 6 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 7 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 8 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 9 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 10 for 347 Ware Blvd Listing photo id 11 for 347 Ware Blvd
  • MLS#: 1678745 ( Commercial Improved Prop )
  • Street Address: 347 Ware Blvd
  • Viewed: 94
  • Price: $1,400,000
  • Price sqft: $0
  • Waterfront: No
  • Year Built: 1972
  • Bldg sqft: 0
  • Days On Market: 624
Possible Terms
  1. Sale Only
  2. Cash
  3. Conventional
Air Conditioning
  1. Window
  1. Exterior Lighting
  2. Security Fence
  3. Security Lighting
  4. Controlled Access
Annual Tax
  1. 24596.76
Apartment Sqft
  1. 13800
Apprx Age
  1. 51
Available W Lease
  1. No
Buildingcenter Name
  1. Wood
  1. Exclusive Right To Sell
Days On Market
  1. 522
  1. 522
  1. Electric
  2. Water
  3. Drainage
  4. Ingress-Egress
  5. Sewer
  6. Telephone
Existing Exmptabatements
  1. No
Flood Plain
  1. None
  1. Slab
Gas And Electric
  1. 792.6
  1. Individual Meters
  1. Exit I-35 south at SW Military
  2. travel east and turn south at Pleasanton Rd
  3. then turn east to Ware Blvd to find the complex on the left.
  1. 9543
Legal Description
  1. NCB 9484 BLK LOT 747
Loading Facilities
  1. None
  1. 40458.6
Net Leasable Area
  1. 13800
Net Operating Income
  1. 47583.96
Number Of Rentals
  1. 21
Num Total Parking
  1. 31
Number Of Units
  1. 24
Other Expense
  1. 4432.8
Other Tax
  1. 2582.8
Owner Lrealreb
  1. No
Ph To Show
  1. 2102222227
Property Type
  1. Commercial Improved Prop
Rail Service
  1. No
  1. None
  1. Flat
Sale Includes
  1. Buildings
  2. Land
  3. Business
  4. Equipment
  5. Fixtures
  6. Inventory
  7. License
School District
  1. Harlandale I.S.D
School Tax
  1. 14885.68
Total Tax
  1. 25509.21
  1. Electricity
  2. Water
  3. Telephone
  4. Sewer
  5. Cable TV
Utility Supplier Elec
  1. City
Utility Supplier Gas
  1. City
Utility Supplier Grbge
  1. City
Utility Supplier Sewer
  1. City
Utility Supplier Water
  1. City
Vacancy Rate / Year
  1. 17
  1. 94
Waste Removal
  1. 6725.64
  1. 5864.76
Year Built
  1. 1972
  1. MF-33